Taber Cares

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There are so many ways that Taber LeBlanc donates to charities, but one of his favorite ways to do so is by utilizing the manpower of Homes by Taber to make an impact.

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Charities We Work With

Our Taber Cares recipients are carefully selected through our annual application process. We look for organizations that will provide volunteer opportunities to our employees and who will keep our financial donations local in the communities in which we live and build. We strive to select a variety of organizations to ensure we are providing our employees with volunteer opportunities that directly reflect where their hearts are drawn to serve.

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Taber encourages employees from all departments to volunteer their time, whether it be with a group of coworkers, or even alone with a charity that is personal to them. He even allows them to volunteer during work hours, which is something that allows his staff to feel fulfilled, outside of their standard compensation packages.
I want to do so much more than just donate money. That’s the easy part. I want to use the power of my company and our relationships with our business partners to make an impact by being involved. We work to serve our customers every day. We’re ready to take that to the next level and serve our community with our Taber Cares charity initiative. That’s what our Taber Cares initiative is all about.
- Taber LeBlanc, President of Homes by Taber

Charities We Work With

Our Taber Cares recipients are carefully selected through our annual application process. We look for organizations that will provide volunteer opportunities to our employees and who will keep our financial donations local in the communities in which we live and build. We strive to select a variety of organizations to ensure we are providing our employees with volunteer opportunities that directly reflect where their hearts are drawn to serve.

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There is such a large emphasis on charity at Homes by Taber, that a Taber Cares charity committee has been formed, which is comprised of a representative from each department, to make sure everyone’s voice is being heard and their charitable passions are being fulfilled. In a short period of time, the Taber Cares charity committee has made a significant impact with multiple organizations throughout the Oklahoma City metro area

Monthly 2024 Financial Charity Recipients

  • JanuaryScience Museum of Oklahoma - $9,750
  • FebruaryCircle of Care - $16,500
  • MarchInfant Crisis Center - $14,500
  • AprilFostering Sweet Dreams - $12,500
  • MayEdmond Mobile Meals - $7,000
  • JunePet Food Pantry OKC - $11,000
  • JulyNot Your Average Joe
  • AugustCalm Waters
  • SeptemberHope House OKC
  • OctoberProject 31
  • NovemberAmerican Lung Association OK
  • DecemberJesus House OKC

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Our goal is to join forces with our existing business partners and form new ones, to not only donate money to those in need, but to get physically involved with these causes.
- Taber LeBlanc

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This company has been amazing to deal with! I couldn’t possibly find a single thing to complain about.

Natalie Lyles

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